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Management de projets
Results-based management (RBM): project monitoring

5  jours intra
Dates à convenir
Lieu à convenir
disponible à distance
Frais pédagogiques

Contactez nous pour recevoir un devis personnalisé

  • Understand the project monitoring approach.
  • Master the methods and techniques of results-based approach.
Programme pédagogique

disponible à distance

From the project’s design to its implementation

  • Defining key concepts.
  • The project cycle management: needs assessement, programming, feasibility study, monitoring and evaluation, capitalisation, audit.
  • The principles of results-based approach and its consequences on project management: the notion of the results chain.
  • The logical framework and the results framework: defining objectives, activities, results, expected impacts, indicators, and assumptions.
  • Advantages and limitations of the project approach.
  • Benefit of monitoring programmes and projects.

disponible à distance

Project monitoring in accordance with results-based management (RBM)

  • Project monitoring methods and techniques.
  • Defining the initial state and setting up the monitoring-evaluation system.
  • Organising the monitoring-evaluation system.
  • Connections and differences between operational monitoring and monitoring-evaluation.
  • Selecting the indicators and setting the project's objectives.
  • Identifying data sources.
  • Developing the data collection methodology.
  • Designing and updating a project monitoring dashboard.
  • Analysing discrepancies and measuring corrective actions.
  • Adapting and revising the indicators and objectives during the course of the programme/project.
  • Presenting and disseminating the monitoring-evaluation results.
Public concerné
  • Executives involved in programme and project monitoring and evaluation
  • Managers of projects in the preparation or performance phase.
  • Government officials involved in setting up results-based management.
Bon à savoir
  • Participants are asked to bring along regulatory texts and contracts that they use in their work.
  • Example of a 5 days programme


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La formation d'un groupe excédant 20 personnes implique une étude approfondie par nos équipes : cliquez ici pour nous exposer votre besoin
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