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Management de projets
Computerised operational project planning using Microsoft Project

5  jours intra
Dates à convenir
Lieu à convenir
disponible à distance
Frais pédagogiques

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  • Master the basics to handle a project management software program which allows for tasks to be planned, resources to be allocated, and the project's activities to be budgeted and monitored.
  • Optimise the operational planning and develop the tools to monitor the achievements.
Programme pédagogique

disponible à distance

Performance and inspection of activities

  • Monitoring and inspecting the project's activities: measuring and analysing discrepancies in terms of quality, deadlines and costs:
  • editing the Tracking Gantt, visualising the work "yet to be done", and updating the project in terms of its progress;
  • creating monitoring chart indicators;
  • budgetary monitoring and control: budgetary progress reports.
  • Managing hazards and unexpected incidents, and anticipating and adopting corrective actions.
  • Providing reports: creating reports and exporting data to a spreadsheet.

disponible à distance

Computerised planning of the project

  • Becoming familiar with the software program, performing the initial configuration and creating schedules.
  • Organising the project, its structure and the breakdown of activities into tasks (Work Breakdown Structure, WBS).
  • Entering tasks, links, durations and milestones.
  • Defining responsibilities and deadlines.
  • Displaying and optimising schedules: programme evaluation and review technique (PERT), Gantt chart, critical path.
  • Defining and allocating the human and material resources necessary for each task.
  • Developing the budget in accordance with the resources.
  • Optimising the planning:
  • displaying and analysing data: sorting, data consolidation filters, creating custom fields and data tables;
  • auditing resources and managing "overuse";
  • performing simulations and comparing their effects on the project in terms of resource mobilisation deadlines and costs.
  • Incorporating constraints and developing the definitive schedule.
  • Saving the initial planning.

disponible à distance

Strategic planning

  • The project cycle and results-based management.
  • The logical framework analysis as a strategic planning tool.
  • Introduction to project management.
Public concerné
  • Programme and project coordinators or administrators.
  • Managers of projects in the preparation or execution phase.
  • Government officials involved in setting up results-based management.
Bon à savoir
  • Pre-requisites: Prior knowledge of the Ms Project software program is not required to follow this training course. However, proficiency in the standard computer environment (basic use of Windows, Word, Excel) is essential.
  • Participants with no experience in project management are strongly advised to first follow the PC15 training course which deals with the methodological basis of operational project monitoring.
  • Example of a 5 days programme

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