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Énergie et climat
Taking account of social impacts in projects

5  jours intra
Dates à convenir
Lieu à convenir
disponible à distance
Frais pédagogiques

Contactez nous pour recevoir un devis personnalisé

  • Be in a position to understand and analyse the social impacts of projects, in particular resettlement action plans (RAP).
  • Be capable of analysing and monitoring the implementation of environmental and social management plans (ESMP).
  • Set up compensation measures.
Programme pédagogique

disponible à distance

Taking account of social impacts and monitoring them

  • Stakeholder consultation plans.
  • Taking stock of existing socio-economic and health data and data collection methodology.
  • Analysing the probable impacts of the project on the population, housing, ways of living, health, etc.
  • Defining and programming mitigation or compensation measures: social component of the management plan (ESMP).
  • Design and implementation of population resettlement plans (RAP).
  • Implementation of compensation measures.

disponible à distance

Environmental assessments (SEA or ESIA)

  • National and international requirements of sustainable development, and international commitments.
  • Social assessment of programmes and projects: ESIA, risk analysis, etc.
  • Preliminary scoping study to identify issues and drawing-up of terms of reference or specifications.
  • Analysis of the initial condition of the project site.
  • Interactions between activities, effects and environmental aspects.
  • Impact analysis methods and tools: checklists, matrices, Delphi, models, single criterion and multi-criteria analyses.
  • Definition of mitigation measures and variants to optimise the project; the environmental and social impact management plan (ESMP).
Public concerné

Environmental and social experts

Bon à savoir

Example of a 5 days programme



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