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Énergie et climat
Population resettlement action plans (RAP)

5  jours intra
Dates à convenir
Lieu à convenir
disponible à distance
Frais pédagogiques

Contactez nous pour recevoir un devis personnalisé

  • Master the institutional conditions and procedures relating to compliance with population resettlement policies.
  • Master the requirements of the donors (in particular, the World Bank's Operational Directive 4.30).
  • Be capable of monitoring the stages of implementing a resettlement action plan (RAP) by managing the associated risks.
Programme pédagogique

disponible à distance

National and international requirements in terms of involuntary population displacement

  • Resettlement caused by major infrastructure development projects.
  • National regulations, particularly in terms of access to land and expropriation.
  • International standards for involuntary population resettlement plans (based on the World Bank's Operational Directive 4.30).

disponible à distance

Monitoring the implementation of a resettlement action plan

  • Analysing the prior condition of the project site: describing the socio-economic environment and carrying out the social, societal and anthropological surveys.
  • Identifying the affected households: conducting the comprehensive census of their assets and performing field surveys.
  • Compensation process (individual, community).
  • Designing and implementing the monitoring and evaluation system: criteria and indicators, monitoring the wellbeing of the populations (resettled and host).
  • Durability and capitalising on experience: tracking complaints with a grievance mechanism, and implementing mitigation measures.

disponible à distance

Stages of designing a resettlement action plan

  • The linkages between the RAP and the other plans associated with the environmental and social impact assessments.
  • Describing the affected populations and their socio-economic environment.
  • Characterising the resettlement site to be found, and identifying potential sites.
  • Anticipating the risks: informing and involving the project affected people (including the host populations).
  • Defining resettlement strategies.
  • Budgeting the RAP.
Public concerné

Project coordinators
Environmental and social experts

Bon à savoir

Example of a 5 days programme



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Nos formations intra sont proposées à partir d’un minimum de 5 stagiaires.

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La formation d'un groupe excédant 20 personnes implique une étude approfondie par nos équipes : cliquez ici pour nous exposer votre besoin
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