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Virtual study trip on waste management and urban mobility

Mobilité Énergie et climat

Virtual study trip on waste management and urban mobility

The Support Facility for the Operationalisation of the Caisse des dépôts et consignations of Burkina Faso (CDC-BF) and Ivory Coast (CDC-IC) aims to make the CDCs reference actors in the financing of public development policies and strategies in their respective countries. A first capacity building action bringing together the two funds is being implemented in the form of a virtual study tour.The programme is based on two important themes for African deposit funds: waste management and urban mobility.On mobility, the projects presented are the following:

  • Presentation of the mobility policy of the agglomeration community of La Rochelle (urban development, inter-modality, zero carbon territory objective).
  • Marakech: Implementation of electric buses powered by solar energy
  • Development of the Pardieu district in Lyon (France): Mobility and transport intermodality (participatory workshops: development of a development guide, prioritisation of investments)

Concerning waste management, the projects presented are the following:

  • Waste management in the Rochefort agglomeration community: focus on the Echillais incineration unit: energy recovery unit for household waste.
  • Cameroon: green charcoal manufacturing sector
  • Mission to support project management of waste management in Lomé: from the master plan to the implementation of collection / recycling and creation of a model storage centre (participatory workshops: analysis and sharing of risks and business model of the project in DSP or PPP)

Services fournis
lors de cette réalisation

Design and animation of the different sequences with the aim of limiting as much as possible the constraints of distance and the virtual, through :

  • Presentation videos to show the different sites and present the actors,
  • Time for exchanges with professionals
  • Participative group work in the form of a business case
  • A time of capitalisation at the end of each day, using a participative tool (Klaxoon for example).
Formation inter
du 26 October 2021
au 8 December 2021
à distance, à distance, à distance
Burkina Faso

Expertise France