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Training in the evaluation of public housing and accommodation policies

Ville durable et mobilité Aménagement urbain / smart city Formation RH

Training in the evaluation of public housing and accommodation policies

La Direction Régionale et Interdépartementale de l'Hébergement et du Logement en Île-de-France (DRIHL) was created in 2010 to implement public policies aimed at providing shelter and accommodation and facilitating access to housing for the most disadvantaged, as well as building and renovating housing for all. It demonstrates the State's determination to adapt its responses in the areas of accommodation and housing to the specific situation of Île-de-France.

Since 2017, the Schéma Régional de l'Habitat et de l'Hébergement (SRHH) (Regional Housing Scheme) has set targets for the construction and improvement of housing and accommodation facilities, in order to meet the needs of households in the Île-de-France region, particularly those who are excluded, disadvantaged or experiencing particular difficulties.

The SRHH is drawn up for a period of 6 years by the Comité Régional de l'Habitat et de l'Hébergement (CRHH), a body co-chaired by the President of the Conseil Régional and the Préfet de Région. Each year, the DRIHL produces an annual report on the SRHH, which aims to measure the progress made in achieving the objectives set and the results obtained, so that all the players involved can assess the level of achievement of a series of operational objectives, as well as the efforts still required to achieve them.

As the SRHH was adopted at the end of 2017, a mid-term evaluation of the SRHH is scheduled for 2021 for the period 2017-2020. This evaluation is governed by the provisions described in section 3 of the SRHH (see attached extract). The roles to be played by the DRIHL and the Île-de-France Regional Council in steering this evaluation have yet to be decided. For the DRIHL, the Observatories, Studies and Evaluations Department (SOEE) will be responsible for the evaluation.

SOEE staff will be trained in the principles of public policy evaluation in the field of housing and accommodation, with a view to equipping them to conduct the SRHH evaluation. The DRIHL would therefore like to set up customised training based on the practical case of the SRHH, for which it is preparing the evaluation.

The proposed service is systematically contextualised by the practical case of the SRHH evaluation.

It therefore involves :

  • Understanding and identifying the issues involved in evaluating the SRHH (what is evaluation, why? what should be evaluated? for what purposes....)
  • Training staff in the various evaluation methods that can be used within the SRHH framework
  • Provide department staff with tools for the preparatory phase of the evaluation project, for drawing up the terms of reference for the evaluation team, and for the operational phase, for steering, monitoring and controlling the quality of the results produced.

Services fournis
lors de cette réalisation

The three-day course is delivered remotely and focuses on the following points:

Presentations and discussions with learners :

  • Methodological input on evaluation issues (day 1)
  • Evaluation techniques, tools and practice (day 2)

Preparation of the SRHH evaluation with the learners:

  • Drawing up specifications (day 3 morning)
  • Preparing the steering and monitoring of the evaluation (day 3 afternoon)
Formation inter
du 1 January 2021
au 29 January 2021
A distance et Paris

Direction Régionale et Interdépartementale de l'Hébergement et du Logement en Île-de-France (DRIHL)