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Training on "Controlling the implementation of the Finance Act in the context of programme budgets".

Audit / contrôle des finances publiques Comptabilité Gestion admin. et financière Gestion de la dette Gestion des investissements publics Macro-économie

Training on "Controlling the implementation of the Finance Act in the context of programme budgets".

As part of the capacity-building activities of the Cour des Comptes of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Forhom by Egis has been selected to prepare and run a 2-week training session in Paris on "Auditing the implementation of the Finance Act in the context of programme budgets". The training is being organised for a group of 19 Advocates-General and Magistrates from the Cour des Comptes and covers the following three topics:

  • Theme 1 - Programme budgeting
  • Theme 2 - Results-based budget implementation and monitoring
  • Theme 3 - Controlling the implementation of the Finance Act

Services fournis
lors de cette réalisation

The nature of the services provided for this training:

  • Recruitment and contract management of the 2 trainers;
  • Design and validation of training materials;
  • Preparation and logistical implementation of the training course;
  • Logistical management of participants: airport reception, accommodation, meals, local transport, etc.
  • Evaluating the course and awarding certificates to participants.
Formation inter
du 19 June 2023
au 30 June 2023
Paris, Kinshasa

Cour des Comptes