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Training and support in programming and managing public investment

Training and support in programming and managing public investment

The training sessions involved 200 officials and agents from the departments of studies and planning of various ministries divided into 8 groups of 25 people. The two training modules provided were:

- Feasibility studies of public investment projects and cost-benefit analysis.

- Planning and monitoring-evaluation of public investment projects.

Each group followed both modules representing a total of 16 training sessions each lasting one week.

The Forhom Institute accompanied the staff responsible for managing the national public investment programme, in the various phases of the process, namely the gathering of data to create the public investment programme.

Services fournis
lors de cette réalisation

The services provided included the following:

- Mobilisation and management of the trainers.

- Teaching design of the training sessions and production of material.

- Logistical organisation of all of the sessions.

- Facilitation of the training sessions.

- Providing assistance to the qualified staff.

- Preparation and delivery of the evaluation reports, certificates and documents in electronic format.

Formation inter
du 6 January 2014
au 1 June 2014
Congo - Brazzaville

Projet Multisectoriel d'Appui Technique Ciblé et de Renforcement de capacités interministérielles (PMATC)