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Public courses (Forhom by Egis annual programme)

Commande publique Énergie et climat Finances publiques Formation RH Management de projets Infrastructure et transports Management et performance

Public courses (Forhom by Egis annual programme)

Since 1986, 30 to 50 training courses lasting from a few days to a month have been given each year at the Forhom by Egis premises in Paris or La Rochelle (France) on the following topics:

  • Sustainable development ;
  • Urban planning and regional development
  • Infrastructure ;
  • Public procurement and contracts;
  • Public finance ;
  • Management
  • Business management ;
  • Human resources and training;
  • Project management.

A teaching team with extensive international experience guarantees the training best suited to your needs and expectations, and is complemented by assistants responsible for the rapid and efficient management of enrolments and ensuring that participants' stay in France is organised in a friendly manner.

a hundred or so loyal international expert trainers contribute their experience and know-how to the courses given each year.

The training engineering implemented at Forhom by Egis focuses on the acquisition of tools and methods that can be directly applied in the participants' professional environment. The approach is based on a format that encourages learner participation and the sharing of experience, with an emphasis on exercises and practical case studies.

Services fournis
lors de cette réalisation

Design and implementation of an annual programme of short training courses for executives from government departments and services, executives from public and private companies, and programme or project managers.

Mobilisation and pedagogical supervision of a hundred or so expert trainers who are professionals in the subject and have in-depth knowledge of the realities of the participants' countries of origin.

Forhom by Egis is triple certified:

  • Qualiopi: for the delivery of training courses. Qualiopi is part of a strategy to improve the quality of professional training. This is a genuine quality approach with an audit carried out by an independent, accredited certifying body.
  • **ISO 9001: **This certification is a strong commitment by Forhom by Egis to reveal the quality of its know-how and skills. It proves that our organisation has established a customer culture and encourages innovation.
  • ISO 37001: This globally recognised standard helps organisations to put in place appropriate measures to prevent, detect and deal with corruption by creating a culture of honesty, transparency and integrity.
Formation intra
du 1 January 1990
au 31 December 2023
Paris, La Rochelle

Administrations, Institutions para-publiques, collectivités locales, associations professionnelles, projets internationaux en Afrique francophone