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Preparing and running "Capstone Projects" workshops for the Banque des Territoires

Ville durable et mobilité Aménagement urbain / smart city Gestion des collectivités locales Mobilité Transition énergétique Politique publique Patrimoine et immobilier Tourisme

Preparing and running "Capstone Projects" workshops for the Banque des Territoires

The "Capstone project" sequence is scheduled for the second day of the training course. The aim is to get around ten people to work collectively on projects for a "Small Town of Tomorrow".

This sequence comprises nine workshops of around ten people, each dealing with a different theme: mobility, housing, inclusive housing, commerce, commercial and property vacancy, local economic development, renovation of the tourist heritage, the digital transition and the management of brownfield sites.

Our approach is structured around the following stages:

  • Stage 1: General framing of the assignment: validation of expected results, timetable, etc.
  • Stage 2: Drawing up a common framework for describing the projects with the people in charge of the territorial school and the facilitator selected to run the workshops (if possible): presentation of the context and issues, the players, the problems and the educational objectives. What format should the documentation take? etc.
  • Stage 3: Distance interviews with each VDP project leader to draw up the project sheet on the basis of a real project, collection of relevant documentation, etc.
  • Stage 4: Drafting of the descriptive sheet for each project
  • Stage 5: Validation of the form with the territorial school
  • Stage 6: Running the workshops

Services fournis
lors de cette réalisation

Mobilisation of 2 training managers and 9 experts specialised in the themes and issues of each workshop.

Formation inter
du 28 November 2022
au 31 January 2023
Région parisienne

Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations